15/10/2007 7-2007-4902-O 11 Florence Road Erection of a 3 storey block of 11 flats Braeside Developments BW JU 28/09/2007
(8 residential and 3 holiday flats) with
bin and cycle stores and formation of
parking spaces
11/10/2007 7-2007-2830-H 543 Christchurch Road Alterations, rear extension and Richer Sounds BW EY 05/11/2007
conversion of property to form 7 flats in
addition to ground floor shop
12/10/2007 7-2007-12877-H 24 Florence Road Conversion of existing dwelling and Kingsbourne Estates BW RC 16/11/2007
three storey rear extension to form 12
self contained flats with 6 parking
spaces and bin & cycle stores
15/10/2007 7-2007-7633-C 18 & 20 Shelley Road Erection of 2 dwellinghouses and a 3 Chinecrest BW SG 16/11/2007
storey block of 10 flats with bin and
cycle stores
17/10/2007 7-2007-7376-Z Fircroft Hotel, 4 Owls Road Conservation Area Consent for Mr G Beck BW SG V
demolition of hotel and associated
17/10/2007 7-2007-7376-Y Fircroft Hotel, 4 Owls Road Demolition and erection of a mixed use Mr G Beck BW SG
development of 63 flats (includes
holiday, residential & affordable flats) -
17/10/2007 7-2007-23025-A 9-11 The Crescent Alterations, extensions and conversion Mr C Taylor BW SG V 16/11/2007
of premises into 12 flats with bin/cycle
store and formation of parking spaces -