Planning Appeal - Florence Rd

APPELLANT: Holton Homes
APPEAL SITE: 7 Florence Road, BournemouthBH5 1HH
REF: APP/G1250/A/07/2043300/NWF

In February 2007 the Council received an application from the above named for planning permission for an “Outline Submission for the erection of a three storey block of 9 flats with bin and cycle stores and formation of parking spaces” at land at 7 Florence Road. The application was refused by the Council on 23 April 2007.

An appeal against this refusal has now been lodged with the First Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and will be determined by an Inspector appointed by her following the submission of written representations.

I am required by The Planning Inspectorate to inform you that if you have any opinions on the proposed development which you wish the Inspector to take into account in determining the appeal, you can either submit three sets of them in writing to: The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/19a, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN quoting reference number APP/G1250/A/07/2043300/NWF or submit your comments through the online appeals service You must ensure that any representations you wish to make regarding this appeal are received by them no later than 28 June 2007.


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