Boscombe Beach Huts unsold - I wonder why...!?


Surf reef beach huts still unsold

BBC News - ‎Nov 27, 2009‎
New designer beach huts alongside Europe's first artificial surf reef in Dorset remain virtually unsold six months after going on the market. ...

With the economic downturn it is no surprise that its not easy to sell beach huts at 65-90K at the moment - BUT! Where is the marketing of the beach huts? I have just googled Boscombe beach huts and apart from the initial press release about them there is no information about how to actually buy one! I went onto the Goadsby site and tried to search for them ( properties between 0-100,000 in Bournemouth - Beachuts and they didn't come up! 

Other sites which came up on a search for Boscombe beach huts did not differentiate between these beach huts and normal huts so buyers could easily wonder what all the fuss is about!


beachhutman said...

There was a litle heads up for the beach hut fraternity...check out this link:

Cut an dpaste should get you there....

Ben said...

they do have a website, but it seems to be sans prices.

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