Question to the Cabinet Member for Resources
Cabinet, 18 February 2009 – Clause 25, Page B.4 – Medium Term Financial Plan 2009/10 – 2013/14 and 2009/10 Budget Options – Budget Update
“What percentage of this budget will be spent with local businesses?”
Councillor Lisa Northover
Cabinet Member reply:
It is anticipated that some aspects of local procurement of goods and services by the Council will be discussed at the Administration and Value for Money Overview Panel meeting to be held on Thursday 2 April 2009.
There are a large number of non statutory activities that this Council undertakes from its revenue and capital budgets which indirectly support local businesses e.g. tourism, parks, gardens and beaches, which attracts tourists to the area and indirectly supports local businesses in that sector.
In addition the BIC/Pavilion attracts large numbers of delegates to the area which supports the local hotel and leisure industries.
The Council has provided £0.65m for 2009/10 and £0.35m for 2010/11 in the budget for a recession fund, to support local businesses and employment during the current economic climate.
Further information can be provided if required although there will be resource implications depending on the level of detail required.